I have a WordPress(WP) project from way back and see to it that it's always updated and then came version 3.1. I logged-in using an admin account and do the admin area stuff and when I viewed the front-end, all I can say is... "WTF?! since when did WordPress have an admin bar? I wrecked some of the layout! s**t!". Sorry for the crappy language.
I know another CMS that has a top bar when your logged-in, it's b2evolution. I only used it once and never again, sorry b2evo! I don't know what came into mind of the WP devs to make that bar. Yes it helps but I'm used to WP without it. Oh well got to live with it... hehehe.
At least you have the option to remove it.. yey!
Just add this line inside your theme's function.php file:
add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );
There are some other ways to remove it but this is the shortest and cleaner one.
Enjoy using it!http://develop-d-web.blogspot.com/search/label/wordpress